Life @ NCP

not everyone needs to go outside to have fun

breeding blogs

I have been doing some coding lately, but as usual it is with a very limited depth. I played around with python and zope for no reason, just because I wanted to try out some OO database. There went my days wasted on useless things, or so I thought of it more (I think of it less, but I don’t think of it on the contrary yet). On the other hand, I always wanted to get another blog. Not that I have been very diligent with my personal blog since I was always aware of the type of entries I put in it. I would only put entries that were not IT related, that would somehow relate to a more general audience. IT related topic, I figure, would just bore the audience.

But not if I start another blog! Yipee this was the solution, and a little bit of googling brought me to WordPressMU (read: WordPress-mew, was very shiny on October 2006). MU stands for Multiple-User, and this child of WordPress does exactly what I wanted. As a result, I now have this new, and I have moved my personal blog to

The export function did everything in terms of moving my old posts to the new place, but I have to say that WordPressMU is not documented as nicely as the original wordpress. I found some of the installation tidbits to be unclear and I had to re-install the app several times. Just to edit the main page, I need to modify the file /wp-content/themes/home/home.php directly using Notepad++.